Friday, November 25, 2011

How The iPhone Changed The World

Ever since the innovative iPhone was first released by Apple in 2007, it has definitely managed to change the way people think about mobile devices. The iPhone has indeed changed the world in numerous ways in just a few short years, from changing how we interact with other people in society to changing how we get our information. Here are some of the changes the iPhone has caused since its inception.

It has made the onscreen keyboard style a popular choice. Using an onscreen keyboard has its supporters and its opponents, but the iPhone's onscreen keyboard and its capabilities have led to people thinking in new ways about the communication possibilities of mobile devices.

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The iPhone allows you a constant connection with social media in addition to communications. With the iPhone, you cannot only talk on the phone and text, but you can also used web-based instant messaging services, connect with popular social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, Foursquare, and so forth. The connections you can make with people through so many different platforms by using the iPhone seems endless.

The iPhone has more entertain possibilities than you could ever think of. You can watch movies, view photographs, and listen to music by using a variety of services, such as Pandora or for music that you can stream right to your mobile phone.

The iPhone also offers numerous guidance and motion sensing tools. The newest version includes a compass, gyroscope, accelerometer and numerous applications that allow you to use the innovative sensors in the device to play games and perform other tasks in previously unimaginable ways.

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It allows you to access news instantly. Using the Internet and applications for the iPhone allows you to see news as its released, allowing people to be more invo *** ed in matters of society quicker than ever.

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